Signatures of Veterinarians and Registered Veterinary Technicians in Opposition to Trapping 

As dedicated career professionals we recognize the need to support any and all efforts and legislation required to end trapping. Trapping intentionally causes animal trauma, pain, suffering, serious injury, and death. Trapping is not selective; pain is not selective. Non-domestic and domestic victims suffer equally. The direct, consequential, and collateral damage extends to our own species and our heath as a society willing to add value and coexist with all species.


nm ziaKnow Your NM State Legislators!

Your New Mexico state Senator and Representative have the power to ban traps, snares and poisons on public lands. Find out who they are and let them know you oppose trapping on public lands. A simple phone call and email can make all the difference.


Traps on Public Lands

Traps indiscriminately harm people, pets and wildlife and should be banned on public lands. Learn More »

steel-jaw leg-hold trap

People's Forum Panel Report on Public Lands Trapping

The New Mexico Legislature should ban trapping on public lands in New Mexico because traps harm people, animal companions, and whole populations of wildlife including rare species. Most New Mexican voters believe that trapping is cruel and unnecessary.

Read the Report »