TrapFree New Mexico, our partners, and thousands of New Mexicans worked for years to make public lands in our state safer for people, pets, and native wildlife. Finally, Roxy’s Law was enacted in 2021 and implemented in 2022. Since then, there has been a stark decline in the number of native wildlife killed by traps. And, since the law went into effect, TrapFree New Mexico has seen a significant drop in New Mexicans reporting negative encounters with traps and snares on public lands.

“Roxy’s Law is doing exactly what New Mexicans hoped it would,” said Chris Smith, southwest wildlife advocate for WildEarth Guardians. “Fewer native wildlife are being brutally killed for private profit and public lands are now safer for New Mexicans and visitors to recreate on with their pets.”

Recently released data from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish shows a clear decrease in wildlife killed by trappers since the implementation of Roxy’s Law, which bans commercial and recreational trapping across New Mexico public lands.

Roxy’s Law is working! New Mexico Annual Wildlife Trapping Kill Totals 2013-2023

TrapFree New Mexico has worked diligently to track when New Mexicans and their pets encounter traps on public lands. We collect stories of trap encounters, track media articles, and even have an interactive map of all trapping incidents known to us. Since Roxy’s Law went into effect, negative trapping experiences have dropped to near zero.

Roxy’s Law is working! New Mexico Public Lands Trap Incidents Reported 2019-2023