New Mexicans want safe, trap-free public lands!

Trap Free New Mexico is a coalition of citizens, conservation organizations and animal welfare groups who oppose the cruel, damaging, and dangerous practice of trapping in New Mexico. Under-regulated and outdated, traps put citizens, pets, and non-target species at risk, including the endangered Mexican gray wolf. We seek to ban traps in New Mexico for the sake of public safety and New Mexico’s native wildlife.

Sign the Petition to End Trapping

News & Updates

New Game Commission acting against most New Mexicans

In the waning days of the Susana Martinez administration, the Department of Game and Fish and the state Game Commission entertained marginal changes to state trapping regulations. It was, in the words of former Game Commission Chair Paul Kienzle, “play(ing) some...

New Mexico Game Commission considering paltry changes to trapping rules

For immediate release August 22, 2019 Contacts: Chris Smith, WildEarth Guardians, 505-395-6177, Jessica Johnson, Animal Protection of New Mexico & Animal Protection Voters, 505-220-6656, Mary Katherine Ray, Sierra...

Prada to go fur-free in 2020

Prada to go fur-free in 2020

Prada joins other high-fashion brands like Gucci, Versace, Armani, Chanel, Michael Kors, Burberry and Coach, all companies that have abandoned fur in recent years. Prada has announced it will stop using fur in its products and design beginning in February 2020. The...

Long overdue

Traps and snares are a threat to public land users, their dogs and wildlife, including endangered Mexican wolves, who are caught, maimed and killed by these indiscriminate devices. Steel jaw traps have been banned in over 100 countries and our neighboring states of...