Report a Trap Incident

Whether you’re an outdoorsman who has encountered a trapped animal or who has been involved in a trapping accident, a rancher who is opposed to trapping as a form of predator control, a biologist, a student, or simply a concerned citizen, tell us your story!

We want to know why you support a trap ban on public lands in New Mexico, or why you value native wildlife. Send us your story, photos, or videos, so that we can share it with the community.

Trap Incident Report

"*" indicates required fields

Your City and State of Residence*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Describe geographical area where the incident took place. Please describe as specifically as possible, approximate distance from trailhead on what lands, how miles from nearest road or city.
Describe the Incident or Story. Include species of animal, type of trapping device, name of dog (if applicable), any injuries incurred by animals or humans involved, medical expenses, and as much additional detail as possible.
Not required but very helpful. Multiple photos/videos of trap, trap set area, bait, wild animal, dog, injury, or even a picture of your dog without the trap to add a face to your story. You can attach up to 10 images.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 256 MB, Max. files: 10.

    People's Forum Panel Report on Public Lands Trapping

    The New Mexico Legislature should ban trapping on public lands in New Mexico because traps harm people, animal companions, and whole populations of wildlife including rare species. Most New Mexican voters believe that trapping is cruel and unnecessary.

    Read the Report »