Traps and snares are lethal devices that pose a real threat to people, pets and wildlife on public lands. That fact was made tragically clear when a dog named Roxy was strangled to death in a snare at a popular New Mexico recreation area in 2018.
Senate Bill 32, “Roxy’s Law,” was signed into law earlier this year and will ban the use of traps and snares on New Mexico public lands beginning April 1. It was the long, hard work of the TrapFree New Mexico coalition, the genuine leadership of courageous state legislators and the governor’s signature that finally turned this tragedy — and countless others like it — into a positive outcome for the people, pets and wildlife of New Mexico.
Roxy’s Law is a victory for basic decency. There is no reason we should tolerate the killing of our dogs or wildlife. Tradition is no excuse for abuse.
Read this Letter to the Editor in the Santa Fe New Mexican