Dear TrapFree New Mexico Friend,

Roxy’s Law (SB 32) passed the New Mexico Senate on Tuesday night. There was bipartisan support in a 23-16 vote. This is such amazing news made only possibly by your help and engagement. Thank you so much!

Tomorrow (3/13), the bill will be heard by the House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee at 9:00. Can you virtually show up in support of Roxy’s Law? All you need to do is join the Zoom meeting at 9:00 and, when polled by the Committee Chair, click that you support Roxy’s Law. After that, we have organized some key speakers to testify on behalf of the bill.

If you can take 2-3 minutes to call your House representative, that would be the most effective:

Call Your NM State Representative and urge them to Vote YES on SB 32 Roxy’s Law

Please be respectful, polite, and brief—legislators are overwhelmed at this point in the session.

We have talking points for you here if you need them.

Thank you once again!