New Mexicans want safe, trap-free public lands!
Trap Free New Mexico is a coalition of citizens, conservation organizations and animal welfare groups who oppose the cruel, damaging, and dangerous practice of trapping in New Mexico. Under-regulated and outdated, traps put citizens, pets, and non-target species at risk, including the endangered Mexican gray wolf. We seek to ban traps in New Mexico for the sake of public safety and New Mexico’s native wildlife.
Sign the Petition to End Trapping
News & Updates
How to get your dog out of a trap

Animal News Hour with Kathleen McDonald
Kathleen McDonald tells her story about when her dog was trapped and she was injured in the Lincoln National Forest. It is impossible to think of the places we love in the same way when a hidden trap could be anywhere.

Dog’s Former Owner Arrested for Extreme Animal Cruelty
A dog found walking on exposed bone stumps of missing back legs is thought to be a victim of a bear trap. Watch the KOAT news segment here: For more information on Cub please visit

‘Miracle’ Dog Exposes America’s Shameful Use Of Leghold Traps Every year on public and private land throughout the country, thousands of animals suffer and die slow deaths after becoming ensnared in leghold traps, considered by some to be one of the cruelest...

David Forjan Recounts Bloody Trap Incident
David Forjan, the host of Animal News Hour, recounts his own heart-pounding story of having to rescue his dog Annie from a trap and how he was also horribly injured—a story that is all too common in New Mexico.
Let’s ban nasty practice of trapping
By New Mexico State Representative Roberto "Bobby" Gonzales, Taos In Taos County, we are uniquely blessed with the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains, national forest lands and the Rio Grande Gorge. As residents, we all personally benefit from the wide...
90% of People Want Trapping Banned, Report Says
Ninety percent of New Mexico residents believe trapping should be banned on public lands, according to a report released Wednesday by a panel of seven New Mexico citizens. The report was created through online surveys organized by the People’s Forum on Public Lands...

Time for Traps To Go
San Cristobal resident Maya Anthony ended up with more injuries than her dog Joker after the pet was caught in a leg-hold trap during a family outing in the Carson National Forest near Taos last month. Panicked by the pain and trauma of being caught in the trap, Joker...

Teen To Push for Trap Bans After Pet Dog Ensnared
SANTA FE, N.M. — A dog was caught in a wildlife trap during a family hike north of Taos on Feb. 26, not far from where a couple of dogs were caught in traps in late 2010. In the most recent case, one of the dog’s owners — 17-year-old Maya Anthony of San Cristobal —...

Trapped in the Past – The game commission must stop ignoring public concerns about trapping.
October 2011 New Mexicans are increasingly moving toward a consensus that foothold trapping of furbearer animals ought to be more closely regulated — if not mostly banned, as our neighbors in Arizona did in 1994. Unfortunately, at the same time the New Mexico State...