New Mexico Game Commission considering paltry changes to trapping rules

For immediate release August 22, 2019 Contacts: Chris Smith, WildEarth Guardians, 505-395-6177, Jessica Johnson, Animal Protection of New Mexico & Animal Protection Voters, 505-220-6656, Mary Katherine Ray, Sierra...

TrapFree NM response to March 2, 2019 NBC article

Dear Mr. McCausland, Thank you so much for shining some light on trapping in the US and in particular in New Mexico in your recent article. I noticed that you embedded in it a video of how to remove a dog from a trap produced by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game....
A Toxic Relationship: Wildlife management is failing the animals and the people of NM

A Toxic Relationship: Wildlife management is failing the animals and the people of NM

New Mexico’s wildlife is a unique natural asset to be enjoyed by all citizens forever. This is not some wolf-hugger’s fantasy; wildlife as a public trust is deeply rooted in common law and the judicial record of the United States. State wildlife managers are obligated...
State spent $30k on meetings to revise trapping regulations, but show little sign of actually changing those rules

State spent $30k on meetings to revise trapping regulations, but show little sign of actually changing those rules

By Elizabeth Miller of the Santa Fe Reporter The state of New Mexico spent more than $32,000 to hold a series of meetings ostensibly to review trapping regulations and appease political stirrings that call for an end to the practice. Their sole output has been to...