Roxy’s Law is working!

Roxy’s Law is working!

TrapFree New Mexico, our partners, and thousands of New Mexicans worked for years to make public lands in our state safer for people, pets, and native wildlife. Finally, Roxy’s Law was enacted in 2021 and implemented in 2022. Since then, there has been a stark decline...
Bye-Bye, Trapping on Public Land in New Mexico

Bye-Bye, Trapping on Public Land in New Mexico

Mary Katherine Ray helped outlaw traps in her state Adapted from an interview by Lindsey Botts January 1, 2023 A few years after moving to a remote area of southern New Mexico, I saw a Sierra Club ad in the local paper. I was a longtime member and thought,...
Roxy’s anti-trapping legacy greater than botched trial

Roxy’s anti-trapping legacy greater than botched trial

BY JESSICA JOHNSON / CHIEF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS OFFICER, ANIMAL PROTECTION NEW MEXICO AND ANIMAL PROTECTION VOTERS | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH, 2021 AT 12:02AM Roxy – the beloved dog killed by a neck snare in 2018 while hiking with her family – may not have received...

Not guilty verdict aside, Roxy’s Law still matters

The trapper accused of killing Roxy, a Northern New Mexico cattle dog who was strangled to death in a snare near Santa Cruz Lake, recently was found not guilty. The verdict was immensely disappointing. It feels like justice slipped through the cracks, alongside the...

ABQ Journal Editorial: To catch criminals, trapping ban needs real follow-through

Beginning in April, it will be illegal to use traps, snares and wildlife poison on public lands in New Mexico. That’s one positive outcome from the tragic death of an Española dog name Roxy — but it’s hard to be optimistic about the new law’s ability to be effective....
Tradition is no excuse for abuse

Tradition is no excuse for abuse

Traps and snares are lethal devices that pose a real threat to people, pets and wildlife on public lands. That fact was made tragically clear when a dog named Roxy was strangled to death in a snare at a popular New Mexico recreation area in 2018. Senate Bill 32,...

Trapper acquitted in case that inspired anti-trapping law

Chimayó trapper Marty Cordova was acquitted by a jury this week of 10 counts of illegal trapping, three years after state officials alleged that he set a snare that strangled a dog near Española, his attorney said Thursday. The death of the dog, named Roxy, attracted...

“Roxy’s Law” bill to outlaw traps, snares, and wildlife poisons on public land passes Senate Judiciary Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 5, 2021 Contacts: Chris Smith, WildEarth Guardians, 505-395-6177, Jessica Johnson, Animal Protection Voters, 505-220-6656, SANTA FE, N.M.—Today Senate Bill 32, the Wildlife Conservation and...

Making New Mexico safer with Roxy’s Law

On a November evening in 2020, tourists hiking in Santa Fe County came across a dog caught in a leg hold trap just off the hiking trail — one of five dogs that month alone injured by hidden traps. This dog was in severe pain, dehydrated and slowly dying. But these two...
Recent incidents highlight trapping as a statewide problem

Recent incidents highlight trapping as a statewide problem

For Immediate ReleaseJanuary 27, 2021 Contacts:Charlotte Medueño, charlotte.madueno@gmail.comDennis Parker, 505-259-0482, mbe3900@gmail.comChris Smith, WildEarth Guardians, 505-395-6177, csmith@wildearthguardians.orgJessica Johnson, Animal Protection Voters,...
Snare Incident Report: Dixon, NM – January 26, 2021

Snare Incident Report: Dixon, NM – January 26, 2021

I live in Dixon surrounded by lots of BLM land. My dog’s name is Ceniza, she is extremely smart and until yesterday didn’t know exactly how strong she was. On January 25 she got out of our gated area (we live in Dixon, and as long as dogs are friendly, most people...

UPDATE: Please Support Senate Bill 32 (Roxy’s Law) – Urge your New Mexico state legislators to support Roxy’s Law

UPDATE: Please Support Senate Bill 32 (Roxy’s Law) Dear TrapFree New Mexico Friends, We wanted to be sure you saw this alert from TrapFree NM partner, Animal Protection Voters. Click on the link below to send a message right now to your legislators, some of whom...